The simple act of speaking to yourself in your head, out loud is not just getting expert advice ;) you are actually talking to your very own spirit too and your own guides. OMG, what did they hear! HAHAHA! Believe me they laugh with us more and don't judge us. We all have silly thoughts, it is human nature, so be ok with it. We learn as we go ;)
All Ancient Teachings are simple and sometimes they are so simple that its unbelievable kind of like "it can't be THAT damn easy." Well I am here to say IT IS. We are trained to make things harder then they are, we are taught that it has to be hard, when in fact all spiritual teachings are simple.
I learned the simple act of saying "I can do it" gives my own spirit and whole being PERMISSION to do that simple task. So do yourself a favor and anytime teachings are shared or you learn something new instantly say out loud to yourself "I can do it" and it is DONE. Watch it will be easy after that and it is the only time we want to be easy ;)
Connecting to your very own spirit is so simple to do and you can do it daily, on the throne, in the shower, laying in bed and even at your desk.
This was shown to me directly from the other side, and many other cultures or people who can connect to their guides may have similar teachings.
Place your left hand on your forehead
Place your right hand 2 inches under your belly button
**There now you have connected DIRECTLY to your own spirit.
The forehead is your SPIRIT eye or what is termed 3rd eye
2 inches under the belly button is your SPIRITUAL belly button
You touched your own SPIRIT!!
(c) Frank J. Austin, Manyhorses & Barbara M. Moreau
Place your hands (shown above)
Take a deep belly breath in the nose I love you and 'think of love'
Breathe out the mouth I love you and 'think of love'
Do 5 belly breaths randomly throughout the day
*Now the love to think of is the first time you held your baby right after birth, the first time you fell in love (without calling their energy in-you just want the feeling) or remembering how much you loved mommy and daddy.
**Once you start breathing you may get light headed, that is the body oxygenating, it is normal
***You may get chills down your whole body, that is the other side downloading you with nothing but unconditional love. The other side can connect to us A LOT EASIER when we are in the feeling of love ;)
****5 belly breaths tells your brain to go from a state of survival back to a normal mode
Breathing I love you is Manyhorses & Barbara's teachings and should be used exactly as it is shown.